My opinion only,and please feel free to disagree. The rust is sanded down,and I suspect it is covered with clear to keep if from rusting again. The blue Dodge pu in the photo above is something I could live with,though. I guess that was "Old Skool,you know,like they did it back in the 50's,too!" He then got a junkyard 305/700R4 drive train to put in it. You could see the grind marks in the steel. I have personally met a man that took a grinding disc to the original paint on a 34 Ford coupe and then let the surface rust start before priming it with gray primer so the rust would bleed through and it could look "Old Skool". Yeah,I am guilty of liking the look of an original car over that of a restored car or hot rod with show paint,but not enough to keep me from trying to preserve the car so maybe the next owner can be driving it 20,or even 50 years from now. The only way to kill rust is to remove it and seal the metal so it doesn't come back. Speaking for myself,I have spent my entire lifetime fighting rust,and there is no excuse for leaving exposed rust showing on a car or truck in good enough condition you can drive it. Often times, progress occurs when we step back a few paces and reevaluate the larger definitions of creativity and imagination. That way the vehicle is never damaged for someone later who may prefer a finer result. My philosophy is to bolt off, fix or replace and bolt back on. That patina surfaces are now acceptable and all sorts of implanted seats will work in an old vehicle, those two items no longer prohibit a novice or one with somewhat limited resources from working with an old vehicle.

There are two very expensive items in the restoration process, upholstery and paint. As I was doing that today it reminded me of my youth.

I find it very enjoyable to take a rusty item, wheel brush, sand, etch primer, paint it and make it look nearly new. I was using a wire wheel brush and my drill motor. Today I was cleaning small external engine parts such as a solenoid, starter, regulator cap, for repainting. So then the patina surface allows me to 'restore' an old vehicle, enjoy the tasks and become a small part of this hobby. I am not all that excited about the faux patina painted vehicles. I appreciate the skill and labor required for a very nicely painted vehicle yet I have a preference for an original surface. When I first saw a patina finish truck, then one big obstacle was removed. As I grew older the skills of body work were not mine and the cost of painting discouraged me from 'restoring' older vehicles. I had scores of the early "Hot Rod" magazines when I was in high school, the ones that were about 3.5 x 7 inches, small magazines. We recycled things long before recycling became 'cool'.
#Faux patina paint job license
I made a toy 'self propelled' grain harvester (combine) out of a 12" 4x4, a license plate folded 90 degrees for the header, two pair of large jar lids for the front wheels and a furniture swivel wheel for the rear. Most of our toys were made from scrap wood and metal. We ate well, had a warm house, a good home life, but not many extras. It was the late 40's and early 50's and things were not plentiful. Our neighbors to the east and south were miles away, those to the west were closer, yet our closest neighbor was a mile and a half away. I grew up in a farm/ranch environment on the edge of the Southern Nebraska Sand hills. Patina: a surface appearance of something grown beautiful, expecially with age or use, which adds value to an antique, collectible or scarce and should not be cleaned, in some cases, and preserved in other cases. Definition: a surface appearance of something grown beautiful, especially with age or use, which adds value to an antique or collectible and should not be cleaned.